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Theories about the Origins

of the Festival

A Greek Orthodox Festival with strong Pagan roots focusing primarily on water. 

Nowadays, it marks the day of the Holy Spirit.

There are many theories about the origins of the Festival. Some of them support that the celebration is held in honour of Goddess Aphrodite who first appeared emerging from the sea foam, sensually lying on her pearled chariot. Because of the blonde goddess, the daughter of the sea, the celebrations took place at any coastal area of Cyprus.

Many other people believe that the customs of the Water Festival belong to a group of so-called passport customs: In order to smooth the transition from an old to a new situation, people perform several customs. A person must enter the new situation clear, with health and vitality. Water, fire and symbolic death were considered to be the old contaminants for cleaning.

The story of Noah’s ark and the Greek Myth ‘Deukalion and Pyrrha’: The flood is a means to punish mankind for its wickedness. In both cases all humanity is extinguished apart from a faithful couple, due to sin and more moral, new generation of man is recreated.

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